Baseball Career Conference Now Open - Register Today
Baseball Career Conference Now Open - Register Today
SMWW Global Ambassador
Location:Budapest, Hungary
Sport Focus: Soccer

Favorite Sports Memory: The first time I saw a men’s basketball game at UNC Chapel Hill in the Dean Dome when I was a kid (in 1987/88) OR the first time I saw Arsenal play at Highbury in 1996.

Favorite Athlete: Growing up in the 80s and 90s, as was the case with all people my age in North and South Carolina, it was obviously Michael Jordan.  But I have favorites in every sport, be it college or pro.

Country I most want to visit: Australia.  I’ve been a lot of places but never had the opportunity to go to Australia or New Zealand.

Favorite part of SMWW: As someone who has spent a long time in education, I like the self-paced learning that SMWW offers, combined with real-world guidance and instruction from people who are actively engaged in the professions and activities we are studying.  For example, I’m receiving training in soccer scouting from an actual soccer scout… someone who is doing it professionally, for a professional team, while the course is taking place.  Not someone who used to do it years ago and has biases.

SMWW Course taken: Soccer Agent, Soccer Management & ScoutingSoccer Talent Identification


JC Griffin is a seasoned finance professional and strategic leader based in Budapest, Hungary. 

Committed to gender equity in sports, he is actively involved in women's soccer, holding certifications in Sports Management and Scouting from Sports Management Worldwide, as well as has completed courses in Women's Football Scouting and Talent Identification. His dedication is evident through his investments in professional soccer clubs and his coaching experience with youth teams.

He holds a PhD in Comparative Government, an MA in Security Studies, and an MSc in Wealth Management. He is also a published author with articles in Bloomberg, The Atlantic, and The Economist. As a Global Ambassador for Sports Management Worldwide, JC Griffin leverages his expertise to support women's sports and the sports business industry.


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