How do you become a FIFA Agent?

How do you become a FIFA Agent?
April 24, 2023 by Dr. Lashbrook


FIFA, the governing body of global soccer, has brought back its Agent/Intermediary exam and registration process. If you want to learn how to become a FIFA Agent, we have the guide for you! 

  • To become a FIFA licensed agent you first have to register yourself through the FIFA Agent Platform.
  • Once you have successfully passed the background check you’ll be prompted to register for the next available exam date. FIFA offers two exam dates for 2023, the first was on April 19th, and the second will be on September 20th.
  • The location of the exam will be set by your country's soccer/football federation. In the United States, the US Soccer Federation set the location of the exam in Chicago, where the USSF is located.
  • Registration is completely free of charge but once you’ve been awarded a date to take your FIFA Agent License Exam it will cost you $400 to take the exam.
  • The exam is 20 questions and you have one hour to complete it. Questions vary from multiple choice and real-life case study scenarios.
  • Once you pass the exam to obtain the license it’s $600 US dollars.
  • To maintain good standards with FIFA you have to pay the $600 fee annually and continuing education is required. 

The FIFA Agent exam is difficult and requires lots of study and preparation. One of the most popular options for those who want to become a licensed FIFA Agent, signing up for Sports Management Worldwide's FIFA Agent Prep course is ideal. 

SMWW's FIFA Agent Prep course will go over everything you need to know to take the FIFA Agent exam, including FIFA Football Agent Regulations (FFAR), FIFA Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players, FIFA Statutes, FIFA Code of Ethics, FIFA Disciplinary Code, FIFA Guardians: Child Safeguarding Toolkit, and additional case study questions and answers. 

This comprehensive and time-friendly course will help set you up for success to pass the FIFA Agent exam and it is taught by two FIFA Agents who took and passed the exam in April! 

If you want to know how to become a FIFA agent and are looking for test prep help, study guides, study partners, and a community to help support you, fill out our FREE application for the FIFA Agent Prep Course