Basketball GM & Scouting student John Ross has arrived in Portland, Oregon. The Indiana native is happy to be here because it means that he has joined an NBA team for the first time in his life. Ross, a recent graduate of Liberty University, came to SMWW knowing that he wanted to work in the NBA but unsure how to get into the business side of sports.
"When I found SMWW and the class, I wasn't sure if I really needed to do it to get a job or how the course was going to help me," said Ross. "I knew I wanted to work for an NBA team, but I didn't know how to get in or what the different positions were in the front office. I'm so glad that I took Basketball GM & Scouting course. I learned a lot and I definitely wouldn't have gotten this opportunity without it."
Ross is only in his second week with the team but already he feels very comfortable. He is helping the team at every practice and getting a chance to interact with the coaches, players and front office staff.
"They are like a big family here," said Ross. "Everyone is really nice and you get to talk directly to the players and coaches, which is very cool. I was surprised that players would just come into the video room and hang out and watch film with us. I am getting to learn so much by watching practice every day and by watching a lot of film."
Ross is part of a team of three video guys who film & log every practice. They also log games going on around the NBA, NCAA games and international games. Ross is responsible mainly for logging international games and NCAA games, once the college season begins.
"I'm excited to watch a lot of the top international talent because you don't really get to see a lot of those players and the actual games when you live in the States."
When asked how much SMWW helped, Ross explained how he owes his breakthrough to SMWW and their staff.
"The course gave me some great contacts for sure and also just gave me the confidence and understanding of how to get in," said Ross. "After the course was over, I spoke to Bill Kent (SMWW's Director of Basketball) and he connected me with a friend of his at the Boston Celtics. I interviewed there and didn't get the job but I guess I did a good job because their video guy helped me get in contact with the Blazers."
"When I interviewed with the Blazers, they were familiar with SMWW right away. They asked me about the course and I was able to demonstrate that I had learned a lot and was not just another guy who didn't have any experience. I know for sure that I wouldn't have gotten this opportunity without SMWW and the course. Getting a chance to talk to guys like Frank [Burlison], Ed [Gregory] and Chad [Ford] as well as using Synergy Sports Technology in the course was also a huge help because the video guys here are familiar with it so I don't think anyone else who interviewed could say that."
Ross says that he would definitely recommend the courses at SMWW for those who want to get into the business side of sports.
"It worked for me! A few months ago, I was doing anything I could to just get in. With the help of the course and SMWW, I'm starting my career in basketball and I couldn't be happier. Thanks to everyone at SMWW."
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