SMWW provides basic information in becoming an sports agent. It's a trainee level for the beginners. It gives you and opportunity to meet others on your level from different background.
Sports Agent Course FAQ
Do You Need a Law Degree to Become a Sports Agent?
The short answer: No, you don’t need a law degree to become a sports agent! While some agents have a legal background, many successful sports agents start with the right training and a passion for sports. At Sports Management Worldwide (SMWW), our Athlete Management Course provides all the essential tools you need to succeed – no law degree required.
What Makes a Great Sports Agent?
Being a sports agent is about much more than knowing the law. It’s about building authentic relationships, earning trust, and helping athletes achieve their dreams. Athletes choose agents who are:
- • Genuine, friendly, and dependable
- • Full of integrity and character
- • Ready to go above and beyond for their clients
Why Choose SMWW?
Our 8-week Athlete Management Course is designed to give you a head start in the competitive world of sports agency. You’ll learn from industry experts, gain insider knowledge, and build a network that puts your career on the fast track.
Stop waiting for your dream career to happen – make it happen! With SMWW, you can become the agent athletes trust to guide their future.
Enroll today and turn your passion for sports into a thriving career as a sports agent!
How is the course taught online?
One of the favorite parts of the course for students is the weekly live audio chats. This is done from your computer via the internet. You can hear fellow students, Dr. Lashbrook, and SMWW Mentors, from all around the world and they can hear you, but you can't see each other. No parking problems, no hassle finding the classroom, and no transportation issues!
In addition to the live audio chats, the coursework is set up through an interactive classroom designed specifically for SMWW training courses. When you register for the class, our staff will set you up with a password to participate in this interactive classroom. The course work includes interactive discussion boards, weekly quizzes, and course projects which are all great ways to interact with other students and the instructors to get feedback. During the course, guest speakers are invited to join you for your on-line audio chats and do informal interviews with students. Guest speakers will include some of the most respected, well-known agents and executives in the sports industry.
In addition, the SMWW Staff is available to assist you with any questions you might have. As an SMWW student, Dr. Lashbrook is more than happy to take your calls and loves helping agents and students.
What if I need "one on one" assistance?
Here at Sports Management Worldwide we have a staff to service all your needs. We pride ourselves on great customer service... or shall we say, great "student service"! We have staff in Portland, Oregon, and London, England who can personally answer your questions. Call us and we will be more than happy to assist you. Keep in mind, the end goal is for you to represent a client... and your success is our success!
How much money can I make as a sports agent? Will I see a return on my $1,450 investment?
In the Sports Agent business, the saying goes "you get paid when your athlete gets paid." The amount agents make varies with the athletes they sign. Successful sports agents can make over a million dollars per year.
Click here to see the average earning potential of a sports agent.
Sports Management Worldwide provides the academic foundation to help those interested in a career as a sports agent and then provides a full-service agency for you to actively recruit and sign clients. We believe that with some hard work and networking, everyone who takes our course has the opportunity to see the return on their investment.
Can I take the Athlete Management class and begin to represent athletes immediately afterward?
Yes! However, each sports league (and some states) have a registration process that is necessary to complete before negotiating contracts for athletes. These processes typically include testing and fees. Upon successful completion of the SMWW Athlete Management Course, graduates are encouraged to become Sports Agent Advisors within the SMWW Agency as we are registered or in the registration process in every state. This is a full-service agency and receives thousands of athlete inquiries for representation which we pass along to our graduates. SMWW Sports Agent Advisors represent athletes from all over the world in a variety of sports. The SMWW staff includes Sports Directors who assist the Sports Agent Advisors in each individual sport. They carry the certification in each sport so that as an SMWW Agent Advisor you can sign clients in the NFL, MLB, NBA, MLS, EPL, and NHL. (Visit the agency website at
Am I guaranteed to get offered a position as an Agent Advisor with Sports Management Worldwide?
SMWW cannot guarantee that you will become an agent with our company. However, upon successful completion of the Athlete Management course, most students are offered a position with our agency.
How do I find athletes to represent? Will SMWW provide athletes for me?
SMWW teaches students how to recruit and works closely with its agents on signing players. In addition, SMWW provides Sports Agent Advisors with leads of athletes seeking representation. Athletes are looking for qualified agents with a certified agency and apply here every day. Numerous athlete registrations are filled out daily and go to our Athlete Management graduates immediately.
During the recruiting process, our certified agents are happy to assist you with your clients when necessary. This teamwork approach will greatly increase your likelihood of signing the client and securing sponsorships. In addition, when you have an elite athlete interested in representation, an SMWW certified agent will fly out to meet with the player and their family.
Can I take Athlete Management and not work for SMWW?
Yes. We have had students take the course and go on to work for other agencies. We have had many students take the course and start their own agencies. The SMWW Agency has many benefits for the Agent Advisor, but at any time, an Agent Advisor can take their clients with them to another agency or start their own agency. We feel you will be a stronger agent with SMWW, but that always is your decision.
A lot of websites have a lot of inexpensive "courses" or "kits" I can buy to BECOME A SPORTS AGENT, why is yours superior?
As with any purchase, you need to be careful of spending money on the internet. Some of these websites are just "selling" information that you can get free thru the NFLPA, NHLPA, NBPA, MLBPA, or via a little free research from search engines and sports websites. In addition, you want to make sure the product you are buying delivers what it professes. At the completion of these mail order courses can you legally represent NFL, MLB, NBA, MLS, and NHL clients without paying certification fees? Is the company you are considering registered in every state to recruit athletes?
Some of these websites are reselling information they bought on the internet. Some of these websites are being "taught" by individuals who have never gone to college, never been a registered agent, and have never signed a player or negotiated a contract. Ask them which athletes they currently represent? Some of these websites might have purchased certifications, but have never represented a major league client. When it comes to negotiating signing bonuses, sponsorships, and endorsing products you want to learn from those who have actually done these things and have quality contacts. Telling someone how to swim, if they have never been in a swimming pool is a little risky. To become a successful Sports Agent you want to learn from people who are currently in the trenches recruiting clients and have professional experience. To recruit top athletes you need professional credentials, qualifications, certifications, connections, and experience. We are the only Agency school who has clients in all the major leagues for a reason.
When I become an Agent Advisor how much help will I get recruiting athletes?
As an SMWW Sports Agent Advisor, you will have a full-service agency walking you through each step of the process. SMWW has a full-time staff that is available to you. Upon acceptance to the Agency, you will be able to order company brochures, marketing materials, and company business cards. You will receive genuine referrals of athletes looking for representation. (These individuals are NOT lists that we buy and resell. They are young athletes currently looking for agents.)
SMWW will help by speaking to your athletes, their parents, and whomever else is involved in the decision-making process. Our Sports Directors and certified agents will assist you via conference calls or in person depending upon the athlete's needs. You will receive as much help as you think you need. We want you to be independent but provide you with all the guidance and assistance you need to successfully recruit athletes. As an Agent Advisor, you receive daily emails from our staff updating you on workouts, tryouts, combines, legal issues and ongoing education to update your credentials.
Do I really get to talk to certified NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB, FIFA agents weekly?
Throughout the eight week course, NFL Agent Dr. Lynn Lashbrook leads a live audio chat via the internet. This live audio chat is offered every week for just Athlete Management students and includes guest agents in every sport. In addition, Joel Corry instructs and will be on the chats. Joel is a former agent of several Hall of Fame NFL and NBA athletes and currently writes for CBS Sports. This is an hour-long question and answer audio discussion with SMWW Agents, Sports Directors, athletes, and fellow students.
If you miss a chat they are archived and you can listen when it is convenient for you.
SMWW has several Sports Agent Courses, which one should I take first?
The Athlete Management Course is a general overview of the Sports Agent business for all sports leagues. This course will teach you the basics of what you need to know to recruit, sign, and mentor clients in every sport. The sport specific agent courses (Baseball Agent, Basketballl Agent, Soccer Agent, Hockey Agent, NFLPA Certification Prep Course), are best taken after you take the Athlete Management Course.
Do I need any special equipment or books for the course?
The books for the course are included in the course fees and sent directly to your home from the SMWW office. Some of the books or materials are so specific that they are either out of print or not sold in any bookstore. You will need a computer with access to the internet.
What is the average student like?
Students range from all walks of life. Our students come from over 162 countries, (part of the beauty of online). Most have what we call "day jobs" and enjoy the flexibility of online training. Students must be 18 or older to participate. Most are between the ages of 25-60. Some are college students, but most are employed. Some are attorneys, accountants, brokers, and employed in a business with a desire to represent professional athletes in addition to their existing practice. Students range from high-end professionals looking to represent clients to former athletes breaking into the business side of sports, to those who just have a passion for sports.
How old do I have to be to take this course?
18 or older.
Do I need a college degree to take this course?
Do you have more questions?
Call the office and ask! 1-877-SMWW-Now in the US or Canada. In London at +44(0) 871 288 4799. Everywhere else at +1-503-445-7105